Student Gathering

POSTER- Student Gathering 2024 FINAL

2024 Medical Student Gathering

Perhaps experience is one of the ways to enrich the color of the life! Since you started as a medical student, you have been faced with the studying of endless books and completed countless tests and exams, you also have to cope with the challenge of getting job and specialty, as well as to encounter the personnel relationship in the workplace after graduation. It seems that the road to practicing medicine likes a roller coaster, full of excitement and anticipation; there are tears and laughter, loss and surprise. It is really tough and challenging but you have to overcome it & become a doctor! We have invited 2 doctors to share the key for their victory in the practice of...

2023 Medical  Student Gathering poster

2023 Medical Student Gathering

人生很精彩,不同階段面對不同經歷和考驗,而每一個階段和經歷都是使人成長。團契為幫助醫學生走這條《醫路》不致疲累乏力,不致孤單無助,因此,團契今年舉辦醫學生聚會,並邀請了三位醫生 (1) Dr Gordon Poon (2) Dr Christy Mak (3) Dr Samuel Yee 分享題問,為要幫助醫學生不走冤枉路,從中得到提點及鼓勵,尋回讀醫的樂趣,日後享受行醫的工作。 (1) Dr Gordon Poon (Psychiatry Resident) 怎樣預備自己由 pre clinical 進入繁忙 clinical period? 醫學生生活是否只是日讀夜讀,讀不完的書? 怎樣適應及装備自己由醫學...

group photo

2nd Mentors & Mentees' Night 2023

感謝上帝讓我們舉辦了一個很温馨晚宴(CMDF Mentors & Mentees' Night 16.8.2023), 願上帝繼續引領我們 Mentors 團隊,忠心飼養祂的小羊,在牧養過程裡面,讓我們每一個成為一顆一顆的生命樹,見證主恩,荣耀主愛, 求主繼續使用整個團隊,一代一代的承傳,终身為主所用.


Promotional Event for Clinical Attachment Program 2024 (19.7.2023)

The greatest asset of young people is youth, and courage for adventure exploration is their greatest weapon! True faith is never just words but in action, and the greatest beneficiary is yourself! This is a very precious opportunity for medical students to participate the clinical training in mission hospitals, and it may be just once in your life. If you're looking for opportunities that have purpose and meaning and allow you to live out your faith in practical and powerful ways, then you are invited to come and join us the Clinical Attachment Program in oversea Mission Hospitals. Meanwhile, we have invited those doctors and students who had previou...

WhatsApp Image 2023-02-16 at 19.07.30 (1)

2023 Mentorship Program (1st Mentors & Mentees' Gathering)

The 1st Mentors and Mentees' Gathering for program 2023 is held on 12.12.2022, it is a very good opportunity for us to introduce the program details and mentors to the mentees on that day, and it is a very good sharing among us. Praise the Lord.