我們明白醫學生在求學階段面對很多困難、憂慮、迷惘和壓力,他們在人生的十字路口上,不知道如何應付及不懂抉擇! 因此我們邀請為主火熱的醫生籌組『CMDF MENTORS TEAM』,透過這個計劃,關心及扶持醫學生,目的是在主裡面堅固他們,幫助他們成為不被世界洪流所吞噬的新力軍! 歡迎基督徒醫學生報名參加 ❤
此計劃於 2018年正式推行。已有 42位 Mentors 及 60位 Mentees參加。而計劃現已進入第二階段,由 2023 年開始至醫學生畢業或為期6年為止。現有 29 Mentors 及 36Mentees
CV Application including personal information, university and church affiliation, the year of graduation, character, volunteer experience & state the purpose (or the reason) for application and expectation of this program. 若你有特別心志,例如宣教,跨文化服侍,務必註明) whatsapp at 6701 3555 to CMDF (Peggie)
Certain commitment is required:
(1) see mentor at 6 times per year.
(2) provide the photo to CMDF after gathering, and all gathering photos can be opened to drs/students via media.
(3) Join Mentors & Mentees' Night and Annual General Meeting every year.
(4) Join Mentees' whatsapp group.
Group Activity:
The 2nd Mentor-Mentee Night was held on 16.8.2023, and it was a wonderful and blessing gathering on that night, recap more joyful photos please go to https://www.cmdf.org.hk/en/Student/18/
The 1st Mentors and Mentees' Gathering for program 2023 is held on 12.12.2022, it is a very good opportunity for us to introduce the program details and mentors to the mentees on that day, and it is a very good sharing among us. Praise the Lord. Pls go to https://www.cmdf.org.hk/en/Student/15/ to recap sweet photos.
The 1st Mentor-Mentee Night was held on last Wednesday 27.2.2019 and we had a warm fellowship in God and there were total 66 Mentors & Mentees joining our gathering on that evening. It was a wonderful night and let us recap the sweet memories from the photos at https://www.cmdf.org.hk/en/Student/ab/