2019 EGM/AGM

今年 CMDF EGM/AGM 可說《全是恩典》下進行及完成。由商議題目到邀請講員,及至前2周社會動亂急劇惡化,很多活動因著局勢緊張及周遭環境失控下被迫延期甚至取消!CMDF 就在這環境下守候,因著神的恩慈和憐憫,衝突終於隨著選舉稍為靜止! CMDF 可如期 27.11舉行週年大會,我們可以再次出來自由活動,為這一切可以的,對這位眷顧我們的神,獻上最大的感恩和頌讚. CMDF 收到很多弟兄姊妹查詢有關李思敬博士在 27/11 AGM 聚會分享《出路》信息, CMDF 得到李思敬博士同意,公開李博士親自撰寫信息總結,盼望大家明白神...


2018 AGM

Praise our Lord, and thanks for His grace for us to hold 43th AGM on 14/11, indeed AGM is the Family Gathering for ALL of us once a year. Over 90 bro and sis ( 55 drs and 39 students) come to the party on that wonderful night, In His abundant of supply, we enjoy delicious catering, and small groups for chatting and laughter can be found and heard at every corner of the venue. CMDF worship team kick off the gathering and the sharing of Choi e is the climax of the gathering to show us the crucial elements for the succession (承傳 ) of CMDF Mission from generations to generations. Let us walk in united heart towards the will of our Heavenly Father. Wish to see you ...

Group photo

2017 AGM

Thanks our loving Father for a warm CMDF AGM on the 27th of November 2017, full of His abundant love and grace. AGM is an important annual event to gather ALL brothers and sisters together for fellowship. Thank you so much for coming! We had more than 85 doctors and medical students attending our gathering. With the theme “Succession”, we are very glad to witness the succession of CMDF from our founding seniors to the younger generation this year. Our Founder Dr. Tony Loy shared with us the history of CMDF, and how graceful we have been serving in medical field in the past 40 years. Our student representative Mr. Tsz-Long Tai touched us with his passionate and humble witness...


2016 AGM

Our 41st CMDF AGM will be held on 29/11/2016 at chapel 9/F. Block D, Hong Kong Baptist Hospital, Kowloon. This is a very good opportunity for us to have fellowship and give thanks and grace to our God every year. The theme of this year is "40 而不惑?CMDF 的去向 ", and host by Chairman Dr. Chow Kam Ming, Where will CMDF go after the celebration of 40th anniversary ? You are CMDF family members and you are cordially invited to come and give our thanksgiving, as well as to share our ideas in serving Him thru CMDF ministry. We will start at 6:45 and ended around 9:00pm, light dinner is provided. For details of the program, please see the attached AGM not...


2015 AGM

Hallelujah ! the 40th CMDF AGM " 守護生命的使者感恩聚會 " concluded with a lot of joy, fun and laughter. We have about 40 members, guests and 15 medical students came to the gathering. We all enjoyed a memorable evening of fellowship, photos sharing of ourselves about family, love, ministry, work and lift up the climax of our year of 2015 …….On that night, we introduced our production team of 守護生命的使者 and they shared experience in the production of this program and their valuable experience in sharing how God mould the real inside life of 13 doctors. We would take this opportunity in express our sincere thanks to the following parties so th...