2024 AGM
2024 AGM 終於 21/11 順利完成,感謝接近 60位弟兄姊妹來臨一同歡慶,願神堅固我們的心,在不可預測的未來,更要㩦手同心同行. 隨附當晚聚會相片。
2023 AGM
團契一直感謝上帝的眷顧和保守,及醫療界弟兄姊妹的支持,我們走過了 48年頭,並定於11月30日(周四)舉行週年大會,當晚團契邀請了周鑑明醫生分享感恩見證,周醫於今年初經歷一場出死入生的交通意外,他會述說神的恩手如何幫助他逃離鬼門關且得康復的歷程。與此同時,團契更邀請蘇穎智牧師擔任大會講員,分享一個跟我們貼切的題目《醫者心: 從無奈到期待》,說出我們靈裡的心聲。歡迎醫療界弟兄姊出席公開時段,與我們一同歡聚 2023團契週年大會(實體)日期: 11月30日(周四)公開時段: 晚上 8:20至9:45結...
2022 AGM
眼見變種病毒繼續橫行肆虐,侵蝕環球經濟復甦的步伐,商店一間接一間的倒閉. 一場俄烏戰爭揭開世界格局巨變,世界正步入兩極化極端對峙的局面,而這場軍事衝突更引發了能源危機及糧食危機,甚至全球物價通漲,經濟更艱難,民生更困苦。甚至一些國家已被迫宣佈破產求援! 全球暖化極端天氣正為地球響起嚴重警號! 天氣反常,地球病得危重! 冰川融化,土地乾旱,生態嚴重失衡! 若我們深信上帝掌管人類的歷史,現在我們身處環境,面對當今世局,對我們有什麼啟示呢? 團契誠意邀請李思敬牧師來到週...
2021 AGM
Thanks for our Heavenly Father giving us a nice place, food and time, and our brothers and sisters coming to the gathering, and this is a precious fellowship to all of us in AGM. in addition to the Chairman (Professor Yam) reported the full year activities and the Treasurer (Dr. Chen Yi Tin) reported the financial status, and we are grateful our shepherd Rev Paul Ng (吳振智牧師) shared the important message (Against vs Gone with the tide) on that night, and we understand and follow His will in this critical moment. Here attached the recap photos for reference. Take care and have a blessed and wonderful new year ahead. God bless ~~~~~~~~~...
![Group photo (on-site)](/img/?hash=d14da6d230aac3fc8da5b2059d99a307e76e68d8002a.jpeg)
2020 AGM
Thanks our Heavenly Father for a special AGM which is held on a hybrid mode on 24/11, and thank you so much over 40 bro and sis coming to the gathering online (zoom) or physically on site, in particular, we thank for His servant Rev Kwok, Man Chee to give us spiritual teaching on that night. Let us keep praying and fix our eyes on His promise and words of our Lord for the challenging year ahead. We wish to have more times in fellowship with our bro and sis in the coming year. Take care all of you. 聖經告訴我們: 你們可以從無花果樹學個比方,當樹枝發嫩長葉的時候,你們就知道夏天近了。這樣,你們看見這一切的事,也該...