Medical Conference

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Hallelujah, ICMDA EA Conference is successfully held on 31/7~4/8 in Seoul, Korea this year, medical workers and students come from China, HK, S. Korea, Taiwan, Japan, India and Burkina Faso and everyone is motivated and inspired by the speakers in the theme of this year "Be my witness; Yes, send me !" We attach the reflection reports from our students ~ Jacqueline Chan (medical) and Jenny Mak (dental) & then we can know how the fruitful and precious experience they have got in the Conference. The next Conference will be organized by Taiwan (TCMA) on 1st week of Aug next year, we will keep you undated information...... May GOD bless you all and we look forward to seeing you in...

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It is a great pleasure to invite you to the XVIth World Congress of ICMDA to be held in Hyderabad, India in August 2018. The theme of the Congress is “In the footsteps of the Great Servant Healer”, from Isiah 42:5-7. The theme was chosen with the understanding that in the changing global context, the ICMDA family should have renewed understanding of our Master and His mandate and follow His footsteps. For students and junior graduates ~ 21st to 23rd Aug. 2018 Pre-Conference ~ 22nd to 23rd Aug. 2018 Main Conference ~ 23rd to 26th Aug. 2018 The Congress aims to promote obedience because of the Covenant, obedience leading to leading the...

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We cordially invite you to join ICMDA EA 2018 Conference in Japan with the theme this year is ‘Recovery from Disasters and Crisis Situations’under the scripture we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; character, hope. Romans 5:3-4 Date and Venue 1) Pre Conference ~ 1-3 Aug in Ojika Peninsula, Ahi Island 2) Main Conference ~ 3-5 Aug in Matsushima Century Hotel Conference Fee 1) Student Price ~ Around US$ 250~300 (Discount for Students of Pre and Main Conference) 2) Doctors and or Dentists ~ Around US$ 400 of Main Conference only. the above fee is for reference only, and it is subject to the FINAL decision of organizer in Apr. ...

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We are so excited to inform you that ICMDA East Asia Regional Conference 2017 will be held in Mongolia, from 2 August to 5 August. Mongolian Christian Medical Doctors Association is the host of this year. Student Pre-Conference will be held on 2-3 August in Ulaanbaatar, capital city of Mongolia and Main Conference will be held on 4-5 August in Chinggis King’s Khuree (23 kms far away from UB) Theme of this year : Be Equipped for Every GOOD Work ( 2 Timothy 3:17) Be equipped for every good work for the Family, Colleagues and Nations “ Aims : The Conference aims to equip and encourage participants for sharing their faith & love with discipleship commitment among...



Praise our Lord. We successfully host the 2016 ICMDA East Asia Conference and glory our God among brothers and sisters coming from various countries of East Asia region on 7-8-2016. With our limitation in resource and lack of experience, it is the Grace of God make it happened. Over hundreds of medical workers and students come from China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Mongolia and Hong Kong joint the Conference. Every participant is motivated by speakers in deep transformation from different aspects of spiritual, ethical and practical living. Everyone is humble to learn, listen and share with each other in the Conference. CMDF 40th anniversary dinner banquet and culture night performance by...