
親愛的弟兄姊妹, 主耶和華以色列的聖者曾如此說、你們得救在乎歸回安息.你們得力在乎平靜安穩.你們竟自不肯.賽30:15 神常常提醒我們要安靜,吿訴我們要休息。但我們卻是不肯! 當醫生繁重工作的壓力下, 還背負著数不清的服事,誰想作"馬大"式的忙亂去过每一天呢! 大家只是等待一個機會,—個真的可以讓醫生們安靜下來的時候! CMDF 為親愛的弟兄姊妹預備一個醫生退修营, 目的很簡單,就是讓醫生們在退修营裡從新得力, 必如鷹展翅上騰. 醫生們奔跑卻不困倦、行走也不疲乏。我們邀請了我們...

2014 Graduation camp for CU students is held at Wu Kai Sha on Jun 13-15, 2014 and which lead by Dr. Lau Hing Wai, Henry and Pang Kit Yi, Kristine. This camp is very meaningful and touching to the doctors and students, because it is a good memory for them to count their happiness, grace and tears to the Lord when they are in the campus life.They all enjoyed a good and wonderful sharing in the camp. Here below is the sharing from one of the participants Yu Ho Kun, Adrian Time flies. Five years have passed, but the first day of encountering our mentors - Kristine and Henry, seems just like yesterday. The camp was hosted during the time of Internship post allocation and swaps -...

A retreat camp “ Walk, Wrestle and Work with God” is arranged at end of each year which is conjoined by HKU and CU medical students which provide opportunity for reflection and planning of our life. 2013 WWW camp is held on 29/12/2013 -1/1/2014 at Cheung Chau which organized by HKU & CUHK medical fellowship and financial subsidy by CMDF. We invite Dr. Stephen Lee as the speaker to lead & share the message for discussion with us in the camp. We all enjoyed wonderful time and here below is the sharing by the students after the camp. Steffi Lee / HKU MBBS Year 2 今朝唱最後一次營歌時,心理面好感動。其實今次搞 camp 既過程中...