2021 AGM

Thanks for our Heavenly Father giving us a nice place, food and time, and our brothers and sisters coming to the gathering, and this is a precious fellowship to all of us in AGM.


in addition to the Chairman (Professor Yam) reported the full year activities and the Treasurer (Dr. Chen Yi Tin) reported the financial status, and we are grateful our shepherd Rev Paul Ng (吳振智牧師) shared the important message (Against vs Gone with the tide) on that night, and we understand and follow His will in this critical moment. Here attached the recap photos for reference.


Take care and have a blessed and wonderful new year ahead. 

God bless



香港經歷了震盪的 2019 社會事件,整個環境急速變化,有人抱著期盼社會穩定下來,又有人抱著惶恐收拾行装遠赴異邦,無疑我們見證了第二次移民高潮,一個又一個熟悉臉孔,離開了成長的家園,道別了手足情深的摯友。作為專業醫護人員,在世紀疫情下受到各國歡迎招手加入其團隊服務,可是作為主耶穌的門徒,我們所走的路,但願走進神的旨意和心意裡面! 


若我們深信神掌管萬有, 在人的國中掌權,在這個劃時代急劇變化的急流下, 猶如走進人生十字路口,去或留?進或退?願我們不是帶著恐懼憂慮去作抉擇,而從聖經學習大衞,能在患難曠野生活裡面切切尋求拖帶您一生的主。。。故團契今年週年大會以《急流勇對?! 急流勇退!?》 為題,並邀請了吳振智牧師為大會講員,願神智慧的靈充滿尋求祂旨意的人,指引我們當行的路! 


日期: 11月23日(周二)
講員: 吳振智牧師 
題目: 急流勇對?! 勇流勇退!?
時間:晚上 7:30至9:45  
7:30pm (AGM 只限會員)
8:10pm (公開時段)~ 歡迎醫療界弟兄姊妹參加

地點: 忠主堂, 九龍長沙灣道137-141號, 長利商業大廈5字樓 (深水埗地鐵站A2 出口轉右)


誠意邀請您出席週年大會, 需登記:



