About Us

What is CMDF?
It represents a group of people who believe in the same Christian doctrine and work in the same medical profession. Yet far more than that, we share the same faith, the same hope and the same love which leads to the same vision and mission in our service of medicine.


History of CMDF of Hong Kong
The idea of establishing a local Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship was started in 1975 when a group of doctors and medical students attended the 5th International Congress of Christian Physicians. They were amazed by the strong fellowship and the effective witness of the Singapore medical group. They acquired the calling of forming a Fellowship in Hong Kong. Their vision was shared with many others resulting in the formation of the Interim Executive Committee in May 1976. After 5 months of preparatory work, the 1st Annual General Meeting was held in September when the Fellowship was officially found. At that time, it was called Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF). In 1988, it was renamed as The Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Hong Kong till now.


The Fellowship Functions
Monthly gathering at FES office with invited Pastors in delivering message to our Fellows. Evangelical meetings - CMDF has held an evangelical musical event "能醫不自醫" with the cooperation of AHKHCCM. CMDF has also held different evangelical dinner meetings with various respectful Christian brothers and sisters such as Dr. Chan Sau Chee (a well-known dermatologist ) shared his life journey and evangelical faith before his death from inoperable cancer; Dr. Bianca Ip Chan Suk Suk (a famous female cardiothoracic surgeon) visited Hong Kong twice in sharing her struggle between the profession and family problem with her children and Mr. Christopher Yuan, son of a dentist, is a drug abuser and sexual identity problem being terminated from dental school and sentenced to prison. Because of the love and continuous prayer from his parent, he is being moved and later studying theology after conversion to Christian and released from prison in USA etc.


Special Talks and Lectures
CMDF has held evangelism training program in three different systems –

1) METS - Medical Evangelism Training Strategy

2) International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA) - International Saline

3) Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital Chaplaincy - CPE brief training of Clinical Pastoral Education


Partnership with Hong Kong Nursing Christian Fellowship (NCF)
CMDF has partnered with NCF to hold yearly function "Medical Outreach Conference" in the past years with different topics such as Evangelism to Muslims, workplace ministry, opportunity for short term medical mission trips, preparation for long term medical ministry etc. This yearly function serves as witness of unity with other medical colleagues to serve God with our profession in the form of worship and conference.


Contact with Medical Students of The 2 Medical Schools
The Fellowship invites representative from each medical school sitting in the Ex-co meeting. We provide support in their local activities e.g. bible study group, orientation of new comers, graduation process etc. A retreat camp "Walk, Wrestle and Work with God" is arranged at end of each year which is conjoined by HKU and CU medical students which provide opportunity for reflection and planning of our life.


CMDF has a scheme to sponsor and encourage medical students to join short term medical mission trips arranged by different mission organizations in order to equip them with a heart for mission and broaden their vision for cross cultural evangelism. They are encouraged to share their experience in the corresponding fellowship.


Promotion of the Hospital Chaplaincy Program
Medical Benefit Scheme for Christian Pastoral Staff - CMDF cooperate with the Association of Hong Kong Hospital Christian Chaplaincy Ministry (AHKHCCM) in providing high quality specialist medical care for our pastoral staffs and their spouse at a reasonable, reduced and affordable cost from a group of Christian doctors. This serves as holistic ministry of providing an effective medical care for pastors so that they can minister with a good physical and psychological health.


Partnership with Hong Kong Medical Mobilization Corporation (HKMMC)
A short term medical mission trip to Myanmar has been arranged with MMC. Medical students are sponsored to join these trips. Students also had the opportunity to join the medical ministry of leprosy villages in China.


Partnership with the Chinese Rhenish Church Hong Kong Synod Mission
Short term medical mission trips to Cambodia has been arranged with the Rhenish church.


Medical Literature and Newsletters
Fellowship has been active in voicing out in important ethical issues, e.g Euthanasia and social problems e.g. sex identity etc.


Establish Link with Overseas Christian Groups
CMDF is a member of ICMDA and is representing of Hong Kong medical fellowship to liaise with ICMDA and has joined the previous international and regional conferences. CMF(UK) agrees our Fellowship in posting and translating their articles in our websites. CMDF has arranged a visiting trip for medical students to their London office attending their National Student meeting in order to have better understanding of their ministry in medical students. CMDF had held training in Wenzhou for the Fellowship of Christian Students.








建立香港基督徒醫生及牙醫團契的信念,始於 1975當一群醫生和醫學生參加第五屆國際基督徒醫生會議,他們受感於新加坡醫護團隊有強大團契網絡,及有效力的見證分享。 回港後他們開始籌備並建立以香港為基地的基督徒團契的工作,他們更彼此分享異像及於 1976年5月組成臨時執委會。經過4個月的準備工作,第一屆會員大會於 9月份舉行及團契也正式成立。當時我們名為香港基督徒醫學團契,直至1988年我們更名為香港基督徒醫生及牙醫團契,時至今天。




每月團契聚會邀請牧師來到我們中間分享信息和弟兄姊妹的交流和代禱。香港基督徒醫生及牙醫團契與香港醫院院牧事工聯會合作,舉辦一個福音性音樂節目 『能醫不自醫』。香港基督徒醫生及牙醫團契與被受尊敬的基督徒弟兄姐妹聯合舉辦不同類型的福音性晚宴聚會,包括陳修治醫生(著名皮膚科醫生),他於去世前的一年,積極地分享他的心路歷程和傳福音。來自美國的華人心臟科醫生葉陳淑淑,訴說專業與家庭生活的掙扎和來自牙醫世家的袁幼軒博士因為生活的壞習慣而失去習醫的機會和入獄,他來港分享家庭對他的不離不棄及他信主的經歷和對有傳染病人士的關顧。





  • (METS) 醫療傳道培訓戰略
  • (ICMDA 國際基督徒醫生及牙醫協會)國際生理鹽水
  • (雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院院牧部)CPE 臨床牧關教育的短期培訓






與 2 大醫學院醫學生聯繫


香港基督徒醫生及牙醫團契邀請 2 大醫學院醫學生代表出席執委會會議。我們更全力支持醫學生本地活動,例如查經小組,迎新營,畢業營等。每年年終香港大學和中文大學醫學生聯合舉辦一個名為 【與神同行、相搏和同工】的退修營,透過營會,讓醫學生有機會反思自己的生命及計劃來年的目標。









